Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hello Friends, Here is the Free Rapidshare Premium Accounts .

Enter Email Address to get Free Rapidshare Premium Accounts :

Please don’t forget to click activation link in your email.

After subscribing you will get one email link in your mail box so it is must to click that link to activate your subscription.

Block website in your PC (Desktop or Laptop Computers)

Hello Friends,Sometimes you want to block some websites in your PC which are harmful for your computer,Now you can easily and effectively block access to a website by adding it to your Windows HOSTS file. (Yes, Hosts is capitalized for some strange reason).It is very easy in Use and it is working effectively,below is the trick that how can you Block a website in your PC.

1.Go to your HOSTS file which is located at:
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC for windows Vista and XP
C:\WINDOWS for Windows 98 and ME

2. Open HOSTS with Notepad

Download Free MP3 Audio Songs (English,Hindi,Gujarati etc)

Hello friends,We love to listen songs and everyone has a choice,but sometimes you want some songs which you like most but you don’t find anywhereand if you find that song in a website then that site ask you for membership.Now i have two sites by which you can find your favorite songs for free in MP3 format.Just search your favorite song and then free download it easily in MP3 format.From this site you can easily find any English,Hindi and Gujarati Songs.

Here is the link of websites :
Free Songs Download Link One Click Here
Free Songs Download link Link Two Click Here
Free Songs Download link Link Three Click Here If you like my posts then please comment on it

Make batteries last longer of your laptop computer (by Hibernating)

Windows XP include an ultimate feature Hibernate in the power management features.Hibernate saves an image of your desktop with all open files and documents, and then it powers down your computer and When you turn on power, your files and documents are open on your desktop exactly as you left them.
If you want to leave your computer urgently then you can just leave it,Windows XP automatically put your computer into Hibernate mode after particular period of inactivity or Windows XP can detect that when your batteries are running low then it automatically put your computer in Hibernate mode to save your work before the battery fails.

If you want to do Hibernate then

1. Go to Control Panel then open Power Options.
2. Click on Hibernate tab,then select enable Hibernate and then click OK.
(Note : If you didn’t find Hibernate tab then that means your computer does not support this feature.)
3. Now it works automatically when Windows XP can detect that when your batteries are running low but if you want to do it then when you are going to turn off your computer then it shows you three button Standby,Turnoff and restart. At that time just press Shift key ( When you press shift key then it show you hibernate button) and then select hibernate by pointer.You will see your PC will shut down and when you turn on power of your computer you documnets,files are open on your desktop exactly as you left them.

Create Thousands(1000) of Fake Orkut Id/Login

Hello Friends, We all know about Orkut, So tell me is it possible to make thousands of fake logins or Id in Orkut??? Yes It is Possible.

So if you want to create thousand of fake logins then you must have two things. First one is Mozilla Firefox version and Greasemonkey add on installed in Mozilla and if you don’t have anyone of this then you can find how to get both of them from My other Post - Now once you have installed Mozilla and Greasemonkey then you have to install one script from Here.When you open this link you will find one button at right “Install Script” So click on this when you click on this it will ask to install this script, If you want to install this script then click on “Install Script”. It will install script in 2 to 3 seconds. Now you are ready to make thousand of fake profiles in Orkut and by this you can also increase members of your community in easy way.

Now to start fake login id in orkut just go to sign up page (or go to and then click on join now). When you open sign up page then you have prompted by one box asking you to number of fake id you want to create. just enter number of fake if you want to create then it will automatically enter all information, But you have to enter numbers shown in image verification. Enter number shown in image verification then clcik on “I Accept, Create my account” button it will create your fake id, Now logout from this id, So it again fill form for you automatically and you have to enter only image number in text box. This type you can make fake id in Orkut and increase your community members.If you have any problem in this then you can post it in your comment.

All Services or Products Provided by Google

Google provided many other services which i listed here.

Google Web API :
Google AdSense :
Google Web Search :
Google AdWords :
Google Answers :
Google Analytics :
Google Bookmarks :
Google Base :
Google Mobile :
Google Moon :
Google Books Search :
Google Desktop :
Google Blog Search :
Google Calendar :
Google Catalogs :
Google Code :
Google Deskbar :
Google Local:
Google Maps :
Google Directory :
Google Earth :
Google Finance :
Google Groups:
Google Images :
Google Labs :
Google Pack :
Google Page Creator :
Google Mars :
Google Movies :
Google Music:
Google News :
Google Talk :
Google Toolbar :
Google Personalized Home :
Google Personalized Search :
Google Reader :
Google Scholar :
Google Search History :
Google SMS :
Google Suggest :
Google Transit Trip Planner :
Google Translate :
Google Video :
Google Web Accelerator :

Search Rapidshare (Search files in Rapidshare)

We all know that rapidshare is free and pay service website.Rapidshare is one of the world’s largest file-hosting sites with millions of files stored on its servers that’s why we all want to search our softwares or our files on rapidshare.The site allows any user to upload files of up to 100 MB(at and up to 300 MB (at

So if you want to search or find files or software in rapishare then i have two search engine for rapidshare by which you can search files or softwares on rapidshare website. Its working properly and you can easily find link of your software or your files on rapidshare so you can download it easily from or

Links : 1. Rapid Share Search Engine
2. Rapid Share Search Engine Two

Lock Folder (Folder Lock Without Using any Software)

Hello Friends,Sometimes you want to lock folder to hide your personal files and personal data from other users of computer. You will find many Softwares in market for folder lock but it will not working properly or if it works properly then it wants Registration or want crack to use it for longer time.

So now i am telling you one way by which you can hide your personal files or lock your folder without any software.It is very easy to use and very safe.

How to Lock Folder without any Software :

1. code to lock folder.

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

2. Firstly open a notepad and then put code in notepad.
3. You will find “type your password here” in that code (Without quotes) so just write your password in place of “type your password here” (Without quotes)
4. Save this notepad as Locker.bat anywhere you wish
5. Then double click on Locker.bat.
6. when you double click on this it will create ‘Locker’ folder automatically, After creating of this folder place the contents you want to lock inside the Locker Folder and run locker.bat again, So it will ask to lock this folder… So just type “y” (without quotes) then press enter. Your folder get dissappered that means you locked your folder.No one can see your files of your locked folder.
7. Now if you want to unlock folder then again double click on Locker.bat, It will ask your password so just enter password and then press enter, Your folder get appeared.

Trojan Horse,BackDoor virus Remover (New Folder.exe Virus remove)

Hello Friends, We all know about viruses.Virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user. Trojan Horse, Backdoor are very harmful viruses which affect your computer as well as your important data in drives.It creates New Folder.exe or New Folder in every drive and in Every Folder, It disables Command prompt and also disable FOLDER OPTION from “My Computer” and sometimes it restarts your Computer automatically.So if you want to remove Trojan Horse,Backdoor or New Folder or New Folder.exe virus from my computer then there is one anti virus called Dr. Web which removes this all viruses easily. This is ultimate anti virus for Trojan Horse,Backdoor (New Folder or New Folder.exe) Viruses.

Click Here to Download Dr.Web.

Open this link and download this anti virus for Xp or for your operating system then there is some steps to use it. First restart your PC in Safe Mode by tapping F8 key when your PC restarts.

1. Double click on Dr. Web exe.

2. When it opens then ask to you for “Express Scan of your PC”,Then Click Ok.

3. It start a scan of your PC. It is a short scan which scan your Boot Sectors,Random Access Memory,Startup Objects,Boot Disk Root Directory,Root Directory of Windows Installation Disk,Windows System Folder,My Documents,My Documents,System Temporary Folder, User Temporary Folder.

4. If any virus found then it ask you for “Cure It” then click on Yes.

5. When Express scan is completed, select Custom scan and then select drive from right side, When you select drive then there shows one RED dot on drive.

6. After that click on Play type button on right side.When you click on this Play type button, It start to scan your selected drive and when it founds virus then ask you for Cure It. This type you can scan all your drive of your computer.

7. When all drive scanning are completed then exit from Dr. Web and then restart your PC.

When you restart your PC you will see there no one virus remaining.

Download MP3 Audio Songs from Esnips(Any English,Gujarati,Hindi Songs)

Requirements : 1. To download music from esnips you must have Mozilla Firefox browser.
Hello Friends, eSnips is an exciting new service that enables you to store files online . You can also store files,photos and songs from your computer. You can organize your online storage space in folders, and easily share any folder with whoever you want. So if you like any MP3 audio Hindi, Gujarati , English and any other type songs then you want to download it from esnips . So to download MP3 audio songs from esnips you must have Mozilla Firefox Browser, So if You don’t have Mozilla Firefox then first download it from Here. Now below are steps that how to download MP3 audio songs from esnips.
1. First you have to install Greasemonkey add ons for Mozilla. Greasemonkey is one add on for Mozilla that allows users to install scripts.Greasemonkey executed javascript every time the page is opened, making them effectively permanent for the user running the script. So you can find Greasemonkey add on from Here.You will see “Download Now” button here, Click on this.
clicking download now there will open one window with two buttons “Install” and “Cancel”, So click on “Install” button . this will install Greasemonkey add on for your Mozilla Browser, Now it will ask to Restart your Firefox, So Click “Restart Firefox”.
2. Now you have to install last and important thing which is very easy to install and don’t have big size so you can install it in two or 3 seconds.
3. You have to install javascript which executed by Mozilla greasemonkey add on when you open esnips website.
4. So if you want to Install script then click here.
5. When you open this link you will find one button at right “Install this Script”. Just click on this. After clicking one window will open that will have three buttons “Install” button for install this script, “Show Script Source” button to see Script code and last one “Cancel” button for Cancel script installation.
6. Click on Install button to install this script, When you click on this it will install this script within 2 to 3 seconds.
7. Now Open and search your song which you want to download. When you searched your songs then you will see there is one “Download” link appear with Green arrow. now just click on this link. one window will appear will asking to save your song. So just click on save button. It will automatically download song to your computer.
So this type you can download songs from esnips.If you have any problem in this then you can post it in your comment

Scrapy Boy Tool for Orkut, Facebook and Myspace

Hello Friends,All of you know about Orkut which is the community website owned by Google and if you know about Orkut then i think you have Orkut account also and have many friends in your friend list. So In Orkut often you send scraps(Messages) to your friends but sometimes it is very boring to refresh page to see new scrap and then send reply to that scrap. What if you have Orkut Messenger like other Messengers ? By Which you can send scrap to your friends easily, get pop up when a scarp or message come in your scrapbook, no need to refresh your scrapbook again and again and So many other features this Orkut Messenger have called Scrapy Boy Tool.Other features of this tool is updates for Facebook friends, tagged photos, Wall posts, updates for MySpace friends, photos, comments and many more.

So if you want download this tool then click here to download Scrapy Boy .

Speed Up Your Mozilla Firefox Browser

Hello Friends, All of you are using Mozilla Firefox browser or you know about Mozilla Firefox Browser. So if you want to speed up your Mozilla Firefox browser here is some tricks for this. By this tricks you will access your sites fast and also loads very fast, So to implement this trick first open Mozilla Firefox Browser and type “about:config” (Without quotes) and press Enter.Now a window will open which have several entries and values, So try to find 1. network.http.pipelining 2. network.http.proxy.pipelining 3. network.http.pipelining.maxrequests in this window . These three entries are used to enable pipeline.Normally browser makes one request to a web page at a time but if we enable pipelining then it will make several requests at once so that it speeds up your page loading.Now if you want to spped up your Mozilla Firefox browser then you have to change values of these three entries.

First change “network.http.pipelining” value to “true” (without quotes)

Second change “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true” (without quotes)

and last change “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to some number like 25 or 35. This means it will make 25 or 35 requests at once.

Now at last right click and then select “New” and then “Integer”. Give name to it as “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0″.This value shows the amount of time the Mozilla browser waits before it acts on information it recieves.

Now you will see your is loading very fast all sites and others high loaded pages.

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We are offering a rare Job opportunity where you can earn working from home using your computer and the Internet part-time or full-time. Qualifications required are Typing on the Computer only. You can even work from a Cyber Caf or your office PC, if so required. These part time jobs require working for only 1-2 hours/day to easily fetch you Rs. 20-25,000 per month. Online jobs, Part time jobs. Work at home jobs. Dedicated workers make much more as the earning potential is unlimited. No previous experience is required, full training provided. Anyone can apply.register at 2185798